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How effective is genetic algorithm in optimizing code management strategies for software development teams? 

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Genetic algorithms (GAs) have shown effectiveness in optimizing code management strategies for software development teams. They address scalability issues in real-world software code bases, enhance project scheduling by evolving perturbation operators for iterated local search algorithms, and significantly improve software performance in complex systems. Additionally, GAs have been successfully utilized in genetic improvement (GI) processes to enhance various program properties and bug fixing. By evolving optimal or near-optimal schedules under realistic conditions, GAs provide decision support for complex software project management problems. Overall, the use of genetic algorithms demonstrates their capability to enhance software development processes, improve performance, and optimize code management strategies effectively.

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Genetic improvement of programs (GIP) using genetic programming can significantly enhance code performance, making it up to 70 times faster without sacrificing functionality, showcasing effectiveness in optimizing code management.
Local search approaches are more effective and efficient than genetic programming for improving software properties, achieving 15% to 68% improvements across scenarios in code management strategies.
Genetic algorithms are effective in optimizing code management strategies for software development teams by producing optimal or near-optimal schedules, enhancing decision support under realistic conditions.
Genetic Programming (GP) in Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm effectively optimizes software project scheduling, outperforming other leading methods in large-scale software development.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Brendan Cody-Kenny, Stephen Barrett 
06 Jul 2013
6 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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