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How has the design and usage of the Bolívar fuerte evolved over time? 

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The design and usage of the Bolívar fuerte have evolved significantly over time. Initially, the figure of Simón Bolívar underwent a political and nationalist recovery, transforming him into a hero through various textual and iconographic supports, leading to a form of mythification more akin to poetry and the sacred than historical reality . This evolution continued with the instrumentalization of Bolívar's image by Venezuelan leaders like Hugo Chávez, who reinterpreted the national founder as a long-term ideological reconstruction, even dubbing himself as the "Bolívar of the 21st century" . However, in present-day Venezuela, the name "Bolívar" has become closely associated with Chavez and his Bolivarian Revolution, leading to calls to "de-Bolivarize" the country's political discourse .

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The Bolívar fuerte has evolved from a symbol of Venezuelan essence to a politically charged figure tied to Chavez, leading to calls for "de-Bolivarization" in current discourse.
The paper focuses on the political and nationalist transformation of Simón Bolívar into a hero through various mediums, highlighting a mythification process more akin to poetry and the sacred.
The paper focuses on Bolívar as a character in Colombian dramatic fiction, not on the evolution of the Bolívar fuerte currency. "Not addressed in the paper."
The Bolívar fuerte has evolved through time, reflecting political reinterpretations of Bolívar's image by Venezuelan leaders like Chávez, shaping a national imaginary through visual representations and cinematic portrayals.
Not addressed in the paper.

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