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How has the understanding of the photoelectric effect influenced the development of practical tecnologies? 

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The understanding of the photoelectric effect has significantly influenced the development of practical technologies across various fields. From educational training devices for sorting materials efficiently , to bioelectronics interfacing with biological systems like neuroscience research and neuroprosthetics , the impact is profound. In educational settings, utilizing the photoelectric effect in physics classes enhances students' conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions of learning . Moreover, the application of the photon model for light in interactive computer-based tutorials has proven effective in improving student understanding of the photoelectric effect . Overall, the comprehensive understanding of the photoelectric effect has not only advanced scientific research but also led to practical innovations in diverse technological domains.

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Understanding material and optic properties of the photoelectric effect has influenced the development of light-based bioelectronics, aiding in strategies to minimize artefacts and enhance applications in neuroscience research.
The photoelectric integration practical training device enhances practical abilities by sorting materials, preventing loss, and facilitating hands-on learning, showcasing the application of photoelectric principles in technology development.
The study demonstrates that teaching the photoelectric effect through inquiry enhances students' conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions, potentially fostering the development of practical technologies through collaborative work and hypothesis testing.
The understanding of the photoelectric effect has influenced technologies like spectroscopy, image sensing, and particle physics, showcasing its significance in modern physics applications.

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How has the understanding of the photoelectric effect influenced the development of photodetectors?5 answersThe understanding of the photoelectric effect has significantly impacted the development of photodetectors. Research has revealed novel approaches to enhance photoelectric performance, such as utilizing metal oxide semiconductors for charge-carrier engineering, introducing in-plane photoelectric effects in two-dimensional electron gases for highly efficient terahertz detectors, and leveraging photogating effects for sub-bandgap photodetection. Additionally, advancements in photothermoelectric detectors have been achieved by incorporating hot-carrier transport in low-dimensional materials and utilizing surface plasmon and phonon absorption to enhance responsivity. Understanding the photoelectric effect holistically, from electromagnetics to quantum mechanics, is crucial for developing more productive ways to enhance photodetector performance across various fields of physics.
Simply what is the Photoelectric effect on semiconductors?4 answersThe photoelectric effect on semiconductors refers to the phenomenon where the absorption of light generates an electric current in the material. This effect is observed in various types of semiconductors, including undoped semiconductors, multivalley semiconductors, and semiconductors with insulator-semiconductor stacks. In the case of undoped semiconductors, the effect is due to the intrinsic shift current that occurs when the material is exposed to an alternating electric field. In multivalley semiconductors, the diffusion of photoexcited electrons in different valleys leads to the generation of an electromotive force through the Dember photovoltaic effect. In semiconductors with insulator-semiconductor stacks, the capacitance of the stack is modified by the generation of carriers in the space-charge region, resulting in a change in the wetting contact angle of a droplet on the surface. These effects have potential applications in areas such as optofluidics and microfluidics.
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