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How have caricatures been used for propaganda? 

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Caricatures have been utilized as a potent tool for propaganda in various historical and contemporary contexts. They serve as a means to construct and disseminate specific images and messages to influence public opinion. In the interwar period, caricatures were employed in German and Hungarian newspapers to shape perceptions of the enemy during World Wars I and II . Similarly, during Russia's aggression against Ukraine, caricatures in British newspapers portrayed political leaders and events to sway public sentiment . Napoleon used iconography, including caricatures, to glorify his reign and reinforce his authority through visual representations . Moreover, in political campaigns, caricatures have been strategically employed to enhance candidate visibility, memory retention, and emotional connections with voters . Through exaggeration, contradiction, and metaphor, caricatures effectively convey messages, ideologies, and political stances, making them a powerful tool for propaganda .

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Caricatures in "The Times" and "The Sunday Times" portrayed Putin negatively and Zelensky positively during Russia's war on Ukraine, serving as pro-Ukrainian propaganda against Russia.
Caricatures have been utilized for propaganda by representing ideology through humor, visual metaphors, and linguistic analysis, influencing audiences to adopt desired perspectives in political contexts.
Caricatures have been strategically used in political propaganda by appropriating children's advertising language to enhance media dissemination, candidate memorability, and evoke playfulness and affection towards candidates.
Book ChapterDOI
09 Jun 2022
Caricatures were utilized by Napoleon for propaganda during the Napoleonic Wars to portray his grandeur, military prowess, scientific approach to combat, and magnanimous nature, reinforcing his authority and image.
Caricatures were utilized for propaganda during WWI and WWII to distort enemy features, influence public opinion, and support war efforts, as seen in German and Hungarian comic papers.

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