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How have gender perspectives evolved in the context of restorative justice in England and Wales? 

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Gender perspectives in restorative justice in England and Wales have evolved to highlight the gender-specific needs of female offenders. Initially, restorative justice practices were criticized for being gender-blind , failing to address the unique experiences and challenges faced by girls who offend. Recent research emphasizes the impact of gendered factors on the restorative conference process, such as complex needs, different engagement styles, and risks related to shame and mental health. Despite initial feminist concerns about restorative justice potentially devaluing gender-based harms, it is argued that restorative justice can align with feminist goals by amplifying women's voices, promoting autonomy, engaging communities, and addressing patriarchal structures. This evolution underscores the importance of incorporating gender-specific considerations into restorative justice policies and practices to better serve female offenders in England and Wales.

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Gender perspectives in restorative justice in England and Wales have evolved to recognize the impact of gendered factors on the restorative conference process, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches for female offenders.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Nov 2018
6 Citations
Restorative justice in England and Wales has evolved to embrace feminist perspectives by amplifying women's voices, promoting autonomy, engaging communities, and combating gender-based violence.
Gender perspectives in restorative justice in England and Wales have evolved slowly, with a current gender-blind framework failing to address the specific needs of offending girls in restorative justice conferencing.
Gender perspectives in restorative justice in England and Wales are evolving through critical exploration of offending girls' experiences in restorative justice conferences, challenging gender-neutral approaches and addressing structural inequalities.
Not addressed in the paper.

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