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How Hong Kong Higher Education student balance the time of leisure and study? 

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Hong Kong higher education students balance leisure and study by perceiving leisure as activity-oriented, influenced by personal emotions and expected impacts . They engage in group activities that blend leisure and learning, fostering social bonds and study group cohesion . The World Leisure Organization - Hong Kong Chapter promotes leisure as vital for human growth and well-being, aiming to enhance work-leisure balance for healthy living . Comparatively, Hong Kong students exhibit lower activity levels, intentions to be active, and preferences for active recreation, with higher constraints perception than Australian students . This suggests that Hong Kong students face challenges in prioritizing active recreation over sedentary leisure, indicating a need for strategies to enhance their engagement in beneficial leisure activities while managing academic commitments.

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Hong Kong Higher Education students balance leisure and study using the Yin-Yang concept, integrating cultural traditions into their approach, as discussed in Sivan's research.
Hong Kong higher education students balance leisure and study by engaging in group activities that foster social bonding and cohesive study groups, as shown in the study.
Not addressed in the paper.
Hong Kong university students balance leisure and study by prioritizing leisure based on available free time, influenced by personal emotions and expected impacts, engaging in physical, social, entertainment, and learning activities.

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