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How immigration affects German economy according to the endogenous growth model? 

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Immigration's impact on the German economy, as per the endogenous growth model, reveals various facets. Recent immigration, including refugees, has a mixed effect on different worker groups. High-skilled immigrant inflows can enhance welfare and bolster the sustainability of the social security system. Additionally, the possession of physical capital by immigrants relative to natives is not the sole determinant of gains from immigration; labor's role in stimulating innovation and productivity is crucial for overall welfare improvement. The underutilization of immigrant workers' productive capacities in Germany suggests that equal employment opportunities could generate welfare gains across all worker groups.

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01 Jan 2007
2 Citations
Immigration in the endogenous growth model can lead to Pareto improvement in the German economy, even without immigrants possessing physical capital, contrary to previous findings based on capital stock possession.
Immigration, particularly high-skilled, at 0.2% of the population annually, boosts welfare and sustains Germany's social security system, as per the endogenous growth model in the study.
Immigration in Germany, particularly recent influxes, moderately decreases welfare for low-skilled manufacturing workers (-0.6%), while benefiting other groups, with high-skilled service employees gaining the most (+43%).
Immigration in Germany, particularly recent influxes, moderately benefits the economy. Low-skilled manufacturing workers see a slight decrease (-0.6%), while high-skilled service employees gain the most (+4.3%).
Immigration in Germany, particularly recent influxes, moderately decreases welfare for low-skilled manufacturing workers (-0.6%), while benefiting other groups, notably high-skilled service employees (+4.3%), resulting in an overall positive impact of +1.6%.

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