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How is Humidity crucial for optimising nutritional value of tempeh? 

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Humidity plays a crucial role in optimizing the nutritional value of tempeh. Proper humidity levels during fermentation ensure the desired biochemical reactions occur, enhancing the nutritional content of tempeh. Additionally, the curing process of tempeh is influenced by factors like humidity, time, and temperature, impacting the protein content of the final product. Moreover, maintaining optimal humidity levels during the fermentation process of overripe tempeh is essential for preserving its stability and nutritional value. By controlling humidity levels, the fermentation process can proceed effectively, leading to the development of high-quality tempeh with improved nutritional properties, making it a valuable source of protein and other essential nutrients.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Aisyah Andayani, Slamet Hambali 
21 Apr 2018
2 Citations
Humidity is crucial for optimizing the nutritional value of tempeh by facilitating the fermentation process, which enhances digestibility and nutrient absorption, making tempeh a valuable source of protein.
Humidity affects tempeh fermentation, influencing protein content. Optimal humidity supports mold growth, enzymatic reactions, and protein breakdown, enhancing nutritional value in tempeh.
Humidity affects the stability of tempeh powder. Lower moisture content enhances nutritional value by reducing microbial growth, preserving proteins, and maintaining quality during storage.
Humidity of 75% or above during fermentation in the making method of optimized tempeh is crucial for optimizing its nutritional value by reducing purine content.
Humidity is crucial for optimizing the nutritional value of tempeh as it affects the peroxide value of stored tempeh powder, impacting factors like hemolysis and tocopherol levels.

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