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How is neodymium extracted? 

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Neodymium (Nd) extraction methods include various techniques such as trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) in ionic liquids for continuous extraction , pseudo-emulsion based hollow fiber strip dispersion (PEHFSD) for stable extraction with low energy consumption , and flat sheet-supported liquid membrane (FSSLM) systems for Nd recovery and separation from other rare earth elements . Additionally, the joint extraction of Nd/Pr pair using the P507 extractant has been studied, with calculated concentration equilibrium constants and thermodynamic parameters for effective separation . Furthermore, the extractability of Nd(III) by Cyanex® 572 from nitrate solutions has been explored, highlighting the cation-exchange mechanism and the influence of factors like contact time, ion concentrations, and type of diluent on extraction efficiency . These diverse methods showcase the versatility and efficiency of different approaches in neodymium extraction.

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Neodymium is extracted from aqueous solutions using trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) dissolved in an ionic liquid in small channel contactors, achieving high extraction efficiencies in a short time.
Neodymium is extracted using the P507 extractant through parametric pumping, selecting conditions for Nd/Pr separation based on concentration equilibrium constants and effective thermodynamic parameters.
Neodymium is extracted using TODGA and HNO3 in Pseudo-emulsion based Hollow Fiber Strip Dispersion (PEHFSD) technique, combining advantages of emulsion liquid membrane with improved stability.
Neodymium is extracted using Cyanex® 572 through a cation-exchange mechanism, releasing three H+ ions during the process. Factors like nitrate concentration, hydrogen ion concentration, and diluent type influence extraction efficiency.

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