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Various identified mechanisms of fasting point to its potential health-promoting effects, e. g., fasting-induced neuroendocrine activation and hormetic stress response, increased production of neurotrophic factors, reduced mitochondrial oxidative stress, general decrease of signals associated with aging, and promotion of autophagy.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Stefan Bröer, Angelika Bröer 
335 Citations
Short-term fasting does not result in depletion of plasma amino acids due to reduced protein synthesis and the onset of autophagy.
Lastly, starvation conditions that strongly activate autophagy in astrocytes have less pronounced effects on autophagy in neurons.

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What is the current understanding of the physiological effects of piretrine and pyrethroid exposure on humans?
5 answers
Current research indicates that exposure to pyrethroids like allethrin and prallethrin can induce various physiological effects in humans. Pyrethroids, synthetic derivatives of natural pyrethrins, primarily target the sodium channels in insect neurons, potentially leading to toxicity in vertebrates, including humans. Acute exposure to pyrethroids can enhance the late sodium current in the heart, causing cardiac arrhythmias, while long-term exposure may result in oxidative stress and tissue remodeling. Furthermore, studies have shown that exposure to pyrethroids equivalent to human consumption levels can lead to systemic and reproductive toxicity, impacting organ function, antioxidant status, and anatomical structures. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding the potential health risks associated with pyrethroid exposure in humans.
Does unsaturated molecules as dienoic, trienoic, pentaenoic and hexaenoic conjugated systems is a measure of oxidative stress?
5 answers
Conjugated dienoic, trienoic, pentaenoic, and hexaenoic systems in unsaturated molecules serve as indicators of oxidative stress. These conjugated structures are formed as a result of oxidative attack on polyunsaturated fatty acids, leading to the generation of chromophoric triene and tetraene structures. Additionally, the measurement of lipid peroxidation products like F₂-isoprostanes derived from arachidonic acid provides an accurate assessment of oxidative stress levels both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, in the context of childhood leukemia treatment, changes in oxidative stress, measured by F2-isoprostane concentrations, were observed in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients receiving methotrexate, highlighting the association between oxidative stress and disease treatment. These findings collectively emphasize the significance of conjugated unsaturated systems in assessing oxidative stress levels in various biological contexts.
How can humour be used to reduce fear?
5 answers
Humor can be effectively utilized to reduce fear by inducing Rapid Anxiety Reduction (RAR). Studies show that humor therapy sessions significantly decrease state anxiety levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis, offering a low-cost and easy-to-implement complementary therapy. Furthermore, humor has been found to alleviate interpersonal anxiety triggered by gender-related interactions, ultimately reducing fear and improving social outcomes. Reviewing humor interventions for adults, it is evident that planned humor, including various types like indirect, direct, social, and self-humiliating humor, effectively reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, humor strategies have been shown to positively impact speaking anxiety in English language learners, highlighting the potential of humor to alleviate fears associated with language proficiency. Overall, humor serves as a powerful tool in mitigating fear and anxiety across various contexts.
How universities are use incentives to increase survey participation?
4 answers
Universities utilize various types of incentives to boost survey participation rates. Studies have shown that monetary incentives are particularly effective. Additionally, nonmonetary incentives, such as offering gifts contingent on survey completion, have also proven to be successful. Introducing incentives into longitudinal surveys has been observed to significantly increase response rates. Incentives, whether monetary or nonmonetary, play a crucial role in reducing survey nonresponse rates and improving overall data quality. Therefore, universities can strategically implement incentives to encourage higher participation rates in surveys among students and faculty, ultimately enhancing the validity and reliability of the collected data.
What are the long-term effects of a ketogenic diet on human health and well-being?
5 answers
The long-term effects of a ketogenic diet (KD) on human health and well-being are a topic of growing interest and ongoing research. KD has shown promising results in various conditions such as epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Studies suggest that KD can lead to weight reduction, improved lipid profiles, and reduced reliance on antidiabetic medications. However, concerns exist regarding potential adverse effects like increased LDL-cholesterol levels and the difficulty of maintaining the diet long-term. While KD has demonstrated benefits in certain health outcomes, more research, especially long-term clinical trials, is needed to fully understand its impact on cardiovascular risk, mortality rates, and overall well-being.
Has the child and adolescent trauma screen been validated in south africa?
5 answers
The Childhood Trauma Screener (CTS) has been validated in South Africa, showing solid psychometric properties as an easy-to-use tool for retrospective assessment of child maltreatment. Additionally, trauma exposure in South African adolescents has been extensively studied, with high prevalence rates reported, especially in relation to traumatic events like physical assault and assault with a weapon. Furthermore, a study in South African adolescents highlighted the significant associations between childhood trauma, stressful life events, HIV stigma, and mental health outcomes, emphasizing the importance of understanding the impact of trauma exposure on mental health and functioning in this population. Therefore, the CTS has been effectively utilized in South Africa to assess childhood trauma and its implications on mental health in adolescents.
What is the best cardio training for healthy population?
5 answers
Regular physical activity, such as engaging in dual-task training (DTT) or aerobic exercise training (AET), has been shown to be highly beneficial for cardiovascular health and cognitive function. Additionally, cardio training using aqua-aerobics has been proven effective in reducing cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and improving overall health. Moreover, whole-body electronic muscle stimulation (WB-EMS) has demonstrated positive effects on cardiovascular health, including improvements in measures like waist: hip ratio, total cholesterol, anaerobic threshold, breathing efficiency, and peripheral endothelial function. Therefore, a combination of these approaches, such as DTT, AET, aqua-aerobics, or WB-EMS, tailored to individual preferences and needs, can be considered as the best cardio training for a healthy population, offering a comprehensive approach to enhancing cardiovascular health and overall well-being.
How is a high protein food definied?
5 answers
A high protein food is typically characterized by a significant protein content, often ranging from 90% to 95% on a dry weight basis, and is produced through various methods. One approach involves extrusion processes where ingredients like acid casein, whey protein, alkali, and water are combined, followed by cutting, drying, and further processing to create either a crisp or powdered high protein food. Another method involves utilizing fermented paper mulberry leaf protein, soybean residues, and amino acid powder to enhance the nutrient content of the feed, providing rich protein nutrients for animals, improving immunity, growth, lean meat production, and meat quality. Additionally, high-protein snack foods can be created using fish ball wrappers, fish ball cores, and seasonings, resulting in a protein-rich, low-cholesterol, and nutritious snack.
What are the most commonly used tools and methods for evaluating low back pain in research studies?
5 answers
The evaluation of low back pain in research studies commonly involves various tools and methods. These include the i-CONTENT tool for assessing therapeutic quality of exercise interventions in chronic low back pain studies, biomechanical models for calculating cumulative loading on the spine and peak forces, behavioral measures like the pain behavioral scale (PaBS) for assessing pain behaviors in clinical settings, and postural evaluation methods such as visual observation, radiography, and 3D analysis techniques for identifying lumbar lordosis alterations. These tools and methods play crucial roles in understanding, evaluating, and managing low back pain in research settings.
There is any cientific evidence supporting the normalization of osteopathic tissue tensions in babies?
4 answers
Scientific evidence from various studies supports the normalization of osteopathic tissue tensions in babies. Osteopathic treatment has shown positive outcomes in reducing pain, improving symptoms of health disturbances like asymmetry, plagiocephaly, feeding disorders, excessive crying, and sleep disorders in infants. Additionally, osteopathic correction has been found effective in reducing somatic dysfunctions in the cervical spine of newborns, leading to improvements in neurological status and symptoms like head malposition and delayed motor development. Furthermore, studies on children and adolescents with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia have demonstrated a significant decrease in pain intensity, autonomic nervous system functioning, depression, and anxiety levels after osteopathic correction, highlighting its efficacy in this population. These findings collectively support the normalization of tissue tensions through osteopathic interventions in babies.
Has the child and adolescent trauma screen been used in south africa?
5 answers
Yes, the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen has been utilized in South Africa. Studies in South Africa have highlighted the prevalence of trauma exposure among adolescents, with significant associations found between childhood trauma, stressful life events, and mental health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, anger, disruptive behavior, and poor self-concept. Additionally, trauma exposure has been linked to chronic physical and mental health conditions, including posttraumatic stress disorder, emphasizing the importance of assessing trauma exposure. The use of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) has shown promising results in reducing posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms in South African adolescents exposed to multiple traumas, indicating the need for effective trauma interventions in this population.