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How many students are enrolled in STEM programs in the Philippines at the Grade 11 and Grade 12 levels? 

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In the Philippines, various studies have focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs at different educational levels. One study involved 407 Grade 12 Filipino STEM learners in the academic year 2021-2022 . Another study engaged 317 Grade 12 students enrolled in a Special Health Sciences STEM track from a private medical institution in Cavite . Additionally, a qualitative research project explored the perspectives of 20 Grade 12 STEM students in a public secondary school in Zambales . These studies collectively indicate a significant number of students enrolled in STEM programs at the Grade 12 level in the Philippines, with a focus on academic performance, epistemological beliefs, and career aspirations in the STEM fields. However, specific data on the total number of students enrolled in STEM programs at both Grade 11 and Grade 12 levels is not explicitly provided in the given contexts.

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457 Filipino Grade 12 learners enrolled in STEM programs in the Philippines for the academic year 2021-2022, as per the study on epistemological beliefs and academic performance in Physics.
Not addressed in the paper.

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