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How natural tooth react when subjected to axial forces? 

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When natural teeth are subjected to axial forces, their mechanical behavior is commonly used as a variable of response. In conditions of malocclusion, the most relevant component accounting for the integrity of the dental structure is non-axial (flexural) force. This force generates a similar situation as that of a beam in balance supporting a load concentrated on its free extremity. A methodology has been developed to investigate the behavior of teeth subjected to this kind of force, taking into consideration specific aspects of the tested teeth, such as the transversal section area and the moment of inertia . The stress patterns in weakened teeth restored with different types of post core restorations under a vertical load were also investigated. It was found that fiber reinforced composite post and core exhibited the closest biomechanical behavior to normal teeth, while zirconia posts were more likely to cause fracture in the root .

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The provided paper does not specifically address how natural teeth react when subjected to axial forces.
The provided paper does not specifically mention how natural teeth react when subjected to axial forces.
The paper does not specifically mention how a natural tooth reacts when subjected to axial forces.
The paper does not specifically mention how natural teeth react when subjected to axial forces. The paper focuses on the biomechanics of abfraction lesions in upper canine teeth under axial and lateral loading conditions.
The paper does not specifically mention how natural teeth react when subjected to axial forces. The paper focuses on the behavior of teeth subjected to flexural forces.

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