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How price discount affect sales? 

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Price discounts have a significant impact on sales, as evidenced by various studies. Research indicates that both partial promotions and price discounts positively and significantly affect sales, with a notable coefficient of determination of 90.4% . The effectiveness of price discounts in stimulating purchase behavior depends on factors like product touch information, sale proneness, and perceived quality. For instance, product touch information can enhance purchase confidence for nonsale-prone consumers, especially with large price discounts, by addressing quality concerns . Additionally, the presence of a lagged effect of discounting on sales has been observed, with certain categories like sports and energy drinks showing sustained higher sales levels even after the discount period ends . These findings highlight the intricate relationship between price discounts and sales outcomes.

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Price discounts increase sales of Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB) during the discount period. Some SSB, like sports and energy drinks, show sustained higher sales even after the discount period ends.
Price discounts positively influence impulsive buying, which in turn affects purchasing decisions. This indirect relationship showcases how price discounts can impact sales through impulsive buying behavior.
Price discounts have a positive and significant effect on sales, with a regression coefficient of 0.219, indicating that a one-unit increase in discounts leads to a 0.219 unit increase in sales.
Price discounts impact sales by interacting with product touch information and consumer sale proneness. Discounts coupled with touch information positively influence non-sale-prone consumers' purchase decisions based on perceived quality.
Price discounts increase sales of Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB) during the discount period. Lagged effects were observed in sports and energy drinks, with excess sales even after discounts ended.

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