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How self controrl impacts ressilience? 

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Self-control plays a crucial role in influencing resilience, as evidenced by various studies. Research has shown that self-esteem and resilience mediate the relationship between family function and relapse tendency in substance use disorder patients . Additionally, physical exercise has been linked to lower academic burnout in college students, with self-efficacy and resilience acting as serial mediators in this relationship . Moreover, in the context of sexual victimization, reasons for living were significantly impacted by the degree of victimization, indicating a potential link between self-control and resilience in the face of traumatic experiences . These findings collectively suggest that self-control can positively impact resilience by influencing factors such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and coping mechanisms in various challenging situations.

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Self-control is not directly addressed in the paper.
Self-control in self-configuration enhances resilience by enabling autonomous adaptation to defective nodes, self-diagnosis, communication setup, and task allocation, ensuring chip functionality despite faults.

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4 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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