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How spirituality play an important role in psychosocial rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injury? 

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Spirituality plays a crucial role in the psychosocial rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). Research indicates that spirituality is associated with positive outcomes post-SCI, including improved quality of life, general health, and family resilience. Studies highlight that spirituality, encompassing aspects like hope, resilience, and meaningful connectedness, can significantly impact the adjustment process after SCI. Health professionals recognize the importance of addressing spiritual needs during rehabilitation, yet often lack the training to provide adequate spiritual care. Incorporating spirituality into rehabilitation processes, enhancing staff knowledge and skills in spiritual care, and utilizing standardized spiritual assessment tools are suggested to better address the spiritual needs of individuals and their families during SCI rehabilitation .

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Spirituality, encompassing meaning, hope, and purpose, facilitates family resilience after spinal cord injury by providing gratitude, hope, and deeper connectedness, aiding in psychosocial rehabilitation.
Spirituality is recognized as crucial in aiding adjustment post-spinal cord injury, yet it's often informally addressed. Enhancing spiritual incorporation through staff training and standardized tools is suggested.
Spirituality is crucial for individuals with spinal cord injury, providing hope and strength. However, healthcare professionals lack training in spiritual care, highlighting the need for improved education in this area.
Spirituality significantly correlates with the quality of life in spinal cord injury patients, indicating its potential to enhance psychosocial rehabilitation outcomes in this population.
Spirituality, hope, and resilience are crucial for psychosocial rehabilitation post-spinal cord injury, aiding individuals and families in overcoming challenges and fostering positive outcomes in the recovery process.

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