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How to channeling sexual energy? 

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Channeling sexual energy can be a complex process influenced by power dynamics, gender biases, and social reactions within medical training . The strict hierarchy of medicine can create barriers to reporting sexual misconduct, leading to underreporting and dissatisfaction with outcomes . The fear of negative consequences, such as damage to professional success or limited opportunities, may deter victims from speaking up . Understanding the relationship between sexual harassment and burnout is crucial, as they are significantly correlated . It is important to create a supportive environment that encourages reporting and addresses the impact of sexual harassment on individuals' well-being .

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Journal ArticleDOI
Geoffrey Brennan, Philip Pettit 
01 May 2002-Kyklos
4 Citations
The provided paper does not discuss how to channel sexual energy. The paper is titled "Power Corrupts, But Can Office Ennoble?" and the abstract mentions gratitude to conference participants and editors for their comments.
Open accessPosted Content
Geoffrey Brennan, Philip Pettit 
5 Citations
The provided paper does not discuss how to channel sexual energy. The paper is titled "Power Corrupts, But Can Office Ennoble?" and the abstract mentions gratitude to conference participants and editors for their comments.
The provided paper does not discuss how to channel sexual energy. It focuses on the variations of channeled to random electronic stopping powers of He+ ions in silicon crystals.
The provided paper does not provide any information on how to channel sexual energy. The paper is about the structure and function of the mitochondrial channel protein VDAC-1 and its role in ATP diffusion across the outer mitochondrial membrane.
The provided paper does not discuss how to channel sexual energy.

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