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How to check dNTPs purity? 

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To check the purity of dNTPs, a non-radioactive microplate assay can be utilized, requiring minimal biopsy material. This assay is based on long synthetic single-stranded DNA templates, an inhibitor-resistant high-fidelity DNA polymerase, and the EvaGreen dye, allowing reliable quantification of minute dNTP concentrations. Additionally, the assay discriminates well against ribonucleotides and can quantify as little as 100 fmol of each of the four dNTPs. By employing this method, researchers can accurately assess the purity of dNTPs in various tissues like mouse liver, heart, and skeletal muscle, providing a robust means to evaluate dNTP concentrations with high sensitivity and specificity.

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A sensitive assay for dNTP purity involves a non-radioactive microplate method using long synthetic oligonucleotides, EvaGreen dye, and an inhibitor-resistant high-fidelity DNA polymerase.
To check dNTPs purity, utilize purity-bounded uncertainty relations in multidimensional space, specifically generalized purity, to assess mixed quantum states and calculate lower-bound uncertainty.
The paper presents a non-radioactive microplate assay using long synthetic oligonucleotides, EvaGreen dye, and inhibitor-resistant high-fidelity DNA polymerase to quantify dNTPs purity.

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