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How to create mmi? 

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To create an MMI, a Multi-Mode Interference device, the following steps can be followed. First, a substrate layer is needed, on which a core layer is grown for transmitting optical signals. Then, a coating layer is grown on the core layer to guide the optical signals . The MMI device should have a patch with a nonuniform shape formed by the intersection of multiple curves, including at least one curve with nonzero curvature. This creates a nonuniform refractive index distribution within the MMI device . Another approach to creating an MMI is by using a 1x16-multimode interference splitter partially filled with random holes. This compact spectrometer has a high spectral resolution of at least 0.04 nm . These methods can be used to create MMIs for various applications in optical signal transmission and analysis.

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The paper introduces a compact spectrometer based on a 1×16-multimode interference splitter partially filled with random holes.
To create an MMI device, a substrate layer, core layer, and coating layer are grown. The device has a patch with a nonuniform shape formed by intersecting curves.
The paper describes an MMI function test system that includes a rack with a display screen and a two-hand start button.

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