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How to determine whether plant volatile organic compounds are signal molecules or not? 

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Plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play a crucial role in plant communication and defense mechanisms. These compounds are released into the atmosphere and are involved in tritrophic signaling, aiding predatory insects in locating their prey. The impact of ozone on tritrophic signaling was investigated, showing that ozone can disrupt the ability of insects to locate host plants by degrading VOCs through ozonolysis. Additionally, the emission of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which are key bVOCs, was reduced after ozone fumigation of plants. This disruption in tritrophic signaling highlights the significance of plant VOCs as signal molecules in inter-organism communication. Therefore, by observing the effects of environmental factors like ozone on the emission and reception of plant VOCs, researchers can determine the role of these compounds as signal molecules in plant interactions.

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Plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can act as signal molecules in tritrophic signaling, aiding in prey location. Ozone disruption of VOCs impairs this signaling, affecting insect behavior.
The determination of plant volatile organic compounds as signal molecules can be achieved by optimizing solid-phase microextraction parameters and analyzing their sorption efficiency and chromatographic peaks.
The method in the paper collects plant root system volatile organic compounds in situ and analyzes them using a portable gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer to determine if they act as signal molecules.
The determination of whether plant volatile organic compounds are signal molecules involves analyzing their biosynthesis, structure, and potential biological functions using solid phase microextraction GC-MS techniques.
Not addressed in the paper.

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