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This systematic review indicated that VPS placement in combination with a PEG has a high but acceptable VPS complication rate.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Apr 1990
16 Citations
Altering the amount of capacity assigned to different VPs provides the ability to reconfigure the network dynamically to respond to changes in traffic demand.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
15 Jun 2015
7 Citations
We show by simulation results that this new VPS approach helps outperform recently proposed resource allocation schemes.
Experiments show the applicability and efficacy of the proposed method on various VPs including a real-world system.
Finally, based on our results, we propose a novel strategy using an alternative server scheduler that enables to interleave resources.
We show that in the presence of VPB control: (a) the initial distribution of the total bandwidth to VPs is of no importance, since it can be adaptively rearranged according to the offered traffic, (b) the network is well used and bandwidth investment could be saved, and (c) whenever additional bandwidth must be installed in VPs which have an unanticipated bad grade-of-service, time savings result.
By "appropriate", we mean that the route traverses a minimum number of VPs among all possible routes that have sufficient resources over to fulfill the end-to-end timing requirement of the VC.
Waiting 7-10 days between VPS insertion and a PEG seems reasonable, but this could not be corroborated in this review.

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