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How to support transition of people with disability to adulthood? 

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To support the transition of people with disabilities to adulthood, a holistic approach is essential. This involves providing tailored transition services, including transition assessment and planning, focusing on post-school goals like further education, employment, independent living, community involvement, and residential life. It is crucial to address various aspects such as post-school activities, leisure, accommodation, and mid-life to retirement transitions. Overcoming barriers like inaccessible environments, ableist attitudes, lack of expectations, and inadequate support is vital. Collaboration between vocational rehabilitation programs, public, and private agencies is key to enhancing employment opportunities for transition-age youth with disabilities. By emphasizing person-centered care planning, proactive surveillance, and inclusive practices, the transition process can be made more effective, productive, and supportive for individuals with disabilities.

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Collaborate with vocational rehabilitation programs and various agencies to support the transition of youth with disabilities to adulthood for improved employment outcomes.
Support the transition of people with disabilities by providing real choices, opportunities, and acknowledging diverse ways of being. Dismiss ableist ideas to include young disabled individuals in transitioning successfully.
Support transition of disabled individuals to adulthood by providing person-centered care planning, proactive surveillance, multidisciplinary teams, tailored interventions, and robust data capture to address each and every need effectively.
Transition services, including assessment and planning in postsecondary education, employment, community involvement, and residential living, are crucial for supporting individuals with disabilities as they move into adulthood.

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