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How to use artificial intelligence to automate systematic literature review? 

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Artificial intelligence (AI) can automate systematic literature reviews by employing techniques like natural language processing and machine learning . AI tools like 'ASReview' can assist in screening titles and abstracts efficiently, reducing the number of articles needing manual assessment significantly . These tools require training with pre-labeled articles and involve a researcher-in-the-loop algorithm for relevancy determination . AI algorithms tailored for diverse data types play a crucial role in automatic summarization, condensing key information from texts effectively . By leveraging AI, researchers can save time and effort in tasks such as filtering relevant papers, extracting key information, and conducting analyses of scientific literature . The evolution of AI techniques over the last 15 years has enhanced the automation of systematic literature reviews, showcasing the potential for increased efficiency and accuracy in research processes.

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Train AI tool with prelabeled articles, let it propose relevant articles, review proposed ones, and continue until stopping criterion. Screen relevant articles on full text.
Artificial intelligence automates systematic literature reviews by employing methods to represent knowledge, manipulate texts, and learn from data, streamlining tasks like filtering papers and extracting key information.
The paper outlines an AI-based methodology for systematic literature review, involving natural language processing and machine learning models for search query refinement and relevancy determination.
Artificial intelligence algorithms tailored for diverse data automate systematic literature reviews by condensing key information, as discussed in the paper on automatic text summarization.

Related Questions

Can artificial intelligence be used to automate systematic literature review?5 answersYes, artificial intelligence (AI) can be effectively utilized to automate systematic literature reviews, saving time and improving efficiency. AI tools like ASReview can streamline the screening process by training algorithms, proposing relevant articles, and reducing manual effort. These tools can handle laborious tasks involved in literature analysis, such as filtering relevant papers and extracting key information, which are error-prone and time-consuming when done manually. By employing natural language processing and machine learning models, AI can significantly reduce the number of papers to be reviewed, ensuring a more focused and efficient review process. AI's potential in enhancing linguistic competence and providing personalized learning experiences further demonstrates its capability to revolutionize traditional literature reviews. Collaborative frameworks integrating human and AI intelligence can further enhance the reliability and speed of systematic reviews.
How the use of artificial intelligence automate the process of systematic literature review?5 answersThe use of artificial intelligence (AI) in automating the process of systematic literature reviews (SLRs) has gained traction due to the challenges posed by the increasing volume of academic publications. Scholars have focused on automating SLRs to improve efficiency and quality. AI applications can assist in various stages of the SLR process, such as searching for relevant documents, selecting primary studies, and extracting data. By leveraging machine learning techniques, AI can streamline these laborious tasks, reducing the time and expertise required for conducting SLRs. Additionally, the integration of AI applications throughout the research process can enhance speed, quality, and cost-efficiency, offering a promising solution to the limitations of manual review methods.
What are the reason to use artificial intelligence in systematic literature review?5 answersArtificial intelligence (AI) is used in systematic literature reviews (SLRs) to automate repetitive tasks, save time, and improve efficiency. AI can help researchers in conducting the literature search and analysis, filtering relevant papers, and extracting key information. The exponential increase in published articles makes manual literature review challenging, and AI can accelerate the screening process by using machine learning algorithms. AI technology provides fast data processing and accurate analysis, which improves the efficiency of public services and supports decision-making in government services. In the field of language learning, AI-powered tools offer personalized and adaptive learning experiences, instant feedback, and access to a wide range of resources, enhancing linguistic competence. In supply chain management, AI and big data analytics are used to reduce operational uncertainty and improve performance, with applications in various areas of SCM operations.
How to use AI in a systematic review?5 answersTo use AI in a systematic review, several steps can be followed. First, the AI tool needs to be trained with prelabelled articles to develop its algorithm. Then, using a researcher-in-the-loop algorithm, the AI tool can propose the most relevant articles for screening. The reviewer then assesses the relevancy of each proposed article. This process continues until a stopping criterion is reached. All articles deemed relevant by the reviewer are then screened in full text. It is important to consider methodological quality when using AI in systematic reviews, including the choice of whether to use AI, deduplication, checking for inter-reviewer agreement, choosing a stopping criterion, and ensuring the quality of reporting. By appropriately using the AI tool, systematic reviewing can be accelerated and time can be saved.
How can AI be used for literature and systematic reviews?5 answersAI can be used for literature and systematic reviews to accelerate the review process, improve efficiency, and enhance the quality of the overall research process. By using AI tools such as ASReview, researchers can save time by only assessing a fraction of the articles. AI applications can automate and facilitate the review process of the vast amount of published academic literature, helping researchers determine relevant research gaps and avoid wasting resources on insignificant publications. Deep-learning based clustering techniques, such as using transformer-based language models like BERT and S-BERT, can be employed to semi-automate the selection of primary studies, optimizing the identification process. AI can also be adopted in libraries for various purposes, including technical services, library management, library services, and information literacy, although successful adoption requires meeting certain requirements.
How can artificial intelligence be used to improve systematic literature reviews?5 answersArtificial intelligence (AI) can be used to improve systematic literature reviews in several ways. First, AI tools like ASReview can be used to accelerate the review process by training the algorithm with prelabelled articles and using a researcher-in-the-loop algorithm to propose relevant articles for screening. This can save time and reduce the number of articles that need to be assessed by human reviewers. Second, AI techniques can automate repetitive tasks in literature analysis, such as filtering relevant papers and extracting key information. This can help researchers handle the large volume of literature and make the review process more efficient. Third, the use of machine learning classifiers can enhance AI's decision-making capabilities, providing more granularity and transparency in the selection process. This can improve the accuracy of AI algorithms and increase confidence in their results. Overall, AI can expedite the review process, reduce the burden on human reviewers, and improve the efficiency and quality of systematic literature reviews.

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