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How to use bayesian statistics in the field of crack concrete information? 

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Bayesian statistics is used in the field of crack concrete information to quantify and assess the geometric properties of cracks. A novel crack quantification framework has been proposed that utilizes a set of unordered inspection images. Cracks in the images are detected using an instance segmentation convolutional neural network, and the crack segmentations from multiple separate images are aggregated through voxel-based reconstruction and Bayesian data fusion. This framework outputs a crack model that can retrieve accurate geometric properties of each crack segment by recognizing the crack's inherent branching patterns . Additionally, a Bayesian method has been developed to estimate the initial crack length distribution for probabilistic risk analysis of repaired structural details. The method updates a non-informative prior using a likelihood function based on inspection capability, structural geometry, and material properties .

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The paper proposes a Bayesian network-based methodology to propagate uncertainties in a damage model for reinforced concrete structures subjected to cyclic loading.
The provided paper does not specifically mention the field of crack concrete information.
The paper proposes a crack quantification framework that utilizes Bayesian data fusion to aggregate crack segmentations from multiple images and retrieve accurate geometric properties of each crack segment.
The paper proposes a crack quantification framework that utilizes Bayesian data fusion to aggregate crack segmentations from multiple images and retrieve accurate geometric properties of each crack segment.
The provided paper does not specifically discuss the use of Bayesian statistics in the field of crack concrete information.

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