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Impact of Digital Technology: How has the use of digital technology impacted the use of child-directed speech? 

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The use of digital technology has significantly influenced child-directed speech by altering the nature of interaction between children and adults. In the era of digitalization, children's speech development is affected as they increasingly engage with virtual communication over real-life interactions . This shift leads to the formation of mosaic thinking and a reduced emphasis on traditional verbal communication, impacting the quality and depth of language acquisition . Additionally, interventions utilizing mobile devices have shown promise in enhancing vocabulary and overall well-being in children with language disorders, emphasizing the importance of adapting speech interventions to digital platforms . However, it is crucial for parents to monitor and guide children's digital media use to mitigate potential negative effects on language development and overall well-being .

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Digital technology, specifically a co-designed digital intervention using word-webs, enhances vocabulary and language skills in children with language disorders, potentially improving their communication and overall well-being.
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