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Importance of literary theory? 

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Literary theory holds significant importance in various aspects of literary studies. It plays a crucial role in the translation process by influencing the relationship between the translator and the text, as well as the creative reconstruction of the target language text . Additionally, the combination of creative writing and literary theory is essential for producing high-quality literary works that are expressive and imaginative . In educational settings, the application of literary theory in teaching literature broadens students' horizons and deepens their interpretation of literary works, enhancing the undergraduate literature classroom experience . Furthermore, literary theory facilitates the understanding and analysis of different types of literature, such as African, French, Caribbean, and others, reflecting societal values and projecting societal norms through literary pedagogy . Lastly, literary theory serves as a field of convergence for scientific and philosophical perspectives, incorporating cognitive sciences to analyze human cognition through the study of imagination in literature .

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Literary theory's importance lies in its interdisciplinary nature, bridging scientific and philosophical perspectives to analyze imagination, cognitive processes, and human consciousness, offering unique insights beyond scientific knowledge.
Literary theory plays a crucial role in enhancing the teaching and learning of French literature in Nigeria by providing diverse perspectives and analytical tools for deeper understanding.
Literary theory is crucial as it provides frameworks for analyzing literature, revealing deeper meanings, and enhancing creative writing by offering historical, philosophical, and sociological insights.
Literary theory is crucial in teaching literature as it expands students' perspectives and enhances their interpretation skills, as demonstrated in the case study from China Youth University of Political Studies.
Literary theory is crucial in literary translation as it influences the translator's understanding of the source text and their creative reconstruction in the target language, shaping the quality of translation.

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