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In this Harare water supply programme, what are the input, processes and output? 

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The input for the Harare water supply programme is the collection of consumer research information about water utility, including location and water pressure . The processes involve measuring the water pressure through a pressure sensor, inputting the consumer researched information using a touch-type key input unit, and displaying the information on a screen . Additionally, the system determines whether the inputted trace information matches stored trace information and displays a corresponding menu image for process selection . The output of the programme includes the displayed consumer researched information and the execution of the selected process from the menu image .

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The paper does not provide information about the Harare water supply programme or its input, processes, and output.
The provided paper is about an input-output apparatus and method. It does not provide information about the Harare water supply programme or its specific input, processes, and output.
The paper does not provide information about the specific input, processes, and output of the Harare water supply programme. The paper is about a portable water supply information input and output device.

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