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By doing so, political scientists may arrive at social science that is strong where natural science is weak: in the reflexive analysis and discussion of values and interests aimed at praxis, which is the prerequisite for an enlightened political, economic, and cultural development in any society.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 1905
10 Citations
Professor Sheldon Amos, in his “Science of Politics” remarks that “practical statesmen, immersed in actual business and oppressed by the ever-recurring presence of new emergencies, almost resent the notion of applying the comprehensive principles of science.” Examination of manuals of political science might furnish practical statesmen with the retort that political science has no comprehensive principles to offer.
Empirically, a comprehensive review of meta-scientific research with a focus on quantitative political science demonstrates that threats to the credibility of political science findings are systematic and real.
We conclude that Australian political science is strong where it has a long-standing engagement with the international political science community (for example, in international relations); where it regularly interacts with Australian government priorities (for example, in public administration); and where it involves the larger community (for example, public intellectuals).
Political science majors have relatively high unemployment rates in their 20s, however, and may end up in very different occupations than they imagined when they chose political science.
It is also argued that metrics-led assessment subjects political science to ‘Gradgrinding’ on two fronts: that political science departments amount to less than the sum of their parts, and the audit culture strips the discipline of its humanism.
It is argued that political science should learn from the ‘rhetorical turn’ in various areas of the social sciences, developing ways, appropriate to political science, of analysing the language, rhetoric and argumentation of political and policy discourse in its governmental contexts.
It identifies key features of a design-oriented political science and points to examples which suggest that it is a neglected path for political science rather than an impossible road down which to travel.
Furthermore, the recent political pressure for political science programs to demonstrate their public worth might be alleviated by the scholarship in teaching and learning, which is more understandable to the public than traditional non-SoTL work.
In particular, given the existence of our open and accessible political system, we argue that the introductory course taught as a general education requirement by nearly every political science department provides unique advantages for political science to justify itself as a relevant and necessary endeavor in comparison with most other academic disciplines.

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4 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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