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Is NMN goog for longevity? 

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NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) shows promise for longevity . Research indicates that NMN, as an NAD precursor, plays a crucial role in maintaining NAD levels, which decline with age and are linked to age-related diseases. NMN supplementation is associated with activating SARM1, an enzyme involved in axon degeneration, raising questions about its potential harm despite its anti-aging benefits. Studies highlight the importance of NAD in aging interventions, with NAD precursors like NMN and NR showing potential in promoting longevity and addressing age-related complications. Additionally, experiments suggest that NMN may help prevent aging by increasing AMPK and NAD+ levels, essential factors for longevity. Therefore, while NMN holds promise for longevity, further research is needed to fully understand its effects and ensure its safety for prolonged use.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
27 Oct 2016
37 Citations
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is promising for longevity by augmenting NAD levels, benefiting glucose metabolism, cardiovascular functions, and potentially promoting longevity, as indicated in the research.
NMN activates AMPK and NAD+, potentially aiding in preventing aging. It acts on sirtuin genes, suggesting it may be beneficial for longevity by promoting healthy aging.
NMN, a precursor to NAD, shows potential for anti-ageing therapies by boosting NAD levels. However, excessive NMN accumulation can lead to axon degeneration, raising concerns about its long-term use.
Sustaining NAD+ levels with Restorin® NMN, a high purity NMN precursor, shows potential benefits for healthspan and longevity based on safety evaluations in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Not addressed in the paper.

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How does supplementation with NMN affect cellular aging and longevity in humans?5 answersSupplementation with nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has shown promising effects on cellular aging and longevity in humans. Research indicates that NMN supplementation can elevate NAD+ levels, which decline with age, potentially mitigating age-related functional decay. Studies have demonstrated that NMN administration can prevent the reduction of NAD+ levels, alleviate aging-related diseases, and improve physiological functions in aging models. Furthermore, NMN has been linked to reshaping the gut microbiota, reducing bacterial diversity, and potentially extending telomere length, a molecular marker of aging. These findings suggest that NMN supplementation may be a viable strategy to retard aging by influencing NAD+ metabolism, microbiota composition, and cellular aging processes, highlighting its potential as an anti-aging therapy in humans.
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How to increase NAD and longevity?5 answersTo increase NAD and longevity, several strategies can be implemented. One approach is to use intravenous NAD+ therapy, which has been shown to increase blood NAD+ metabolome in elderly humans and slow down age-related decline in NAD+. Another method is to upregulate NAD metabolism through dietary supplementation with NAD precursors, which has been found to prevent the decline of NAD and exhibit beneficial effects against aging and aging-associated diseases. Additionally, enhancing autophagy, a cellular degradation pathway, and maintaining NAD levels have been shown to extend health/lifespan and normalize metabolic activity in cells. Furthermore, reducing activity of nutrient sensing pathways such as glucose-sensing PKA, nitrogen-sensing TOR, and S6 kinase homolog Sch9, as well as maintaining adequate NAD+ pools, have been linked to increased lifespan. Overall, these approaches provide potential therapeutic targets for promoting longevity and combating age-related diseases by regulating NAD metabolism.
Can NMN reduce aging?5 answersNMN supplementation has shown potential in reducing aging. Studies have indicated that NMN administration can lead to changes in the gut microbiota and metabolomes, which are associated with aging. Additionally, NMN has been found to increase AMPK and NAD+ levels, suggesting its potential in preventing aging. Furthermore, NMN has been shown to elevate NAD+ levels in the body, which can help alleviate age-related complications. NMN supplementation has also been found to increase the plasma concentrations of NMN and NAD+. These findings suggest that NMN supplementation in the pre-aging stage may be an effective strategy to retard aging. However, further studies are needed to unravel the underlying molecular mechanisms and validate the effects of NMN on aging through comprehensive clinical trials.
Could the timing of NMN intake accelerate aging?3 answersThe timing of NMN intake does not appear to accelerate aging. In fact, several studies suggest that NMN supplementation may have anti-aging effects. One study found that NMN administration in pre-aging mice and humans resulted in significant elongation of telomere length, a molecular gauge for aging. Another study conducted toxicity studies on Restorin® NMN and concluded that it is safe for oral administration, with no adverse effects observed at the recommended doses. Additionally, NMN has been shown to increase AMPK and NAD+ levels, indicating its potential to prevent aging. Furthermore, daily NMN ingestion has been found to elevate plasma levels of NMN and NAD+, suggesting its potential health benefits in alleviating aging and related diseases. Overall, the evidence suggests that NMN intake does not accelerate aging and may actually have anti-aging effects.

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