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Is sales tax an indirect tax? 

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Yes, sales tax is considered an indirect tax. Indirect taxes are levied on the production and consumption of goods and services, and they are ultimately paid by the final consumer . Sales taxes are one of the basic types of indirect taxes, along with turnover taxes, excise duties, and tariffs . Sales taxes are convenient to collect but lack equity attribute, as they do not consider the personal circumstances of taxpayers . The burden of sales tax can be shifted from the original payer to the ultimate consumer, making it an indirect tax . The introduction of Goods and Service Tax (GST) in India aims to overcome the limitations of the sales tax system and create a more efficient and harmonized consumption tax system . Therefore, sales tax falls under the category of indirect taxes.

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Yes, sales tax is considered an indirect tax.
Yes, sales tax is mentioned as one of the indirect taxes in the paper.
Yes, sales tax is considered an indirect tax.
Open accessPosted Content
Sebastian Ene, Dan Micuda 
01 Jan 2007
4 Citations
Yes, sales tax is considered an indirect tax according to the information provided in the paper.

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