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Is the chinese CET 4 or CET 6 test comprhen section a standardized test for reading comprehension? 

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The Chinese College English Test (CET) includes both CET-4 and CET-6, which are standardized tests for English proficiency. While the focus of the research varies across different aspects of the CET exams, it is evident that reading comprehension is a crucial component of these tests. The CET-4 and CET-6 exams assess various skills such as writing, listening, and reading. Studies have analyzed the distribution of scores among different sections, highlighting the importance of reading comprehension. Additionally, research has emphasized the significance of applying cohesive devices and Cohesion Theory in reading comprehension to help students pass the CET-4 test effectively. The development of the Communicative Listening Comprehension Test (CLCT) for CET-4 and CET-6 further underscores the importance of comprehensive language skills assessment, including reading comprehension.

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The paper evaluates the content validity of the reading part of 2019 TEM4, a standardized test for English majors in China, reflecting its focus on reading comprehension assessment.
The Chinese CET 4 and CET 6 tests have a standardized reading comprehension section, with CET 4 students exceeding the standard rate and CET 6 students needing improvement in listening and reading.
Not addressed in the paper.
Yes, the Chinese CET-4 test's reading comprehension section is standardized, and Cohesion Theory can effectively improve performance in this crucial part of the test.
Not addressed in the paper.

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What is Reading Comprehension?4 answersReading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning from written text through interaction and engagement with the material. It involves the simultaneous use of reader skills, such as vocabulary and background knowledge, along with the difficulty of the text and the task at hand. Successful comprehension depends on a good match between these factors. Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive activity that is difficult to teach, measure, and research. It is closely related to oral comprehension, reading rate, inferences generation, and linguistic abilities such as vocabulary and syntax processing. Additionally, reading comprehension involves the ability to analyze, interpret, and argue about a topic, allowing the reader to respond and apply knowledge. Various models and assessment methods have been developed to understand and evaluate reading comprehension, but there is a need for further research in languages with transparent orthography.
Reading comprehension?3 answersReading comprehension is the process of constructing and extracting meaning from text through interaction and engagement. It is a vital component in the reading process and is associated with a learner's success in school and life. However, many students struggle with comprehension, especially when it requires higher order thinking skills. Factors contributing to this problem include teachers' insufficient pedagogical knowledge and focus on assessing comprehension rather than teaching it. Comprehension is a linguistic activity regardless of the modality of the content. It is a complex phenomenon that can be studied from various disciplines, such as education, logic, and linguistics. The attributes of a test and the test-taker can affect reading comprehension performance in both native and foreign languages. Strategies, testing, and research play important roles in understanding and improving reading comprehension.

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