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Is the UK worse than France and Germany in primary sector jobs but generally better in financial industry? 

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Based on the data from the provided contexts, the UK lags behind France and Germany in primary sector jobs but excels in the financial industry. The UK's primary sector performance is weaker compared to France and Germany due to factors like slower growth in total factor productivity and concerns about the quality of growth being depreciation-intensive . In contrast, the UK's financial sector, particularly the finance and business sector, has shown higher growth rates, driven by ICT-intensive activities, leading to a higher overall growth compared to France and Germany . Additionally, the UK's financial sector experienced spatial concentration, with London emerging as a significant winner despite the crises, while Germany saw no significant contraction or change in spatial distribution of financial employment .

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The paper does not directly address the comparison of the UK, France, and Germany in primary sector jobs or the financial industry.
Yes, the UK outperforms France and Germany in the financial industry, contributing significantly to its higher growth, while France excels in non-tradable sectors.
The UK lags in primary sector jobs compared to France and Germany but excels in the financial industry, as indicated by the economic performance data from 1997-2002.
Not addressed in the paper.

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