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Is there any paper about that likes are related with picture ? 

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Likes are related to pictures in the context of paper. Some chemists argue that the decline in overall paper use does not mean dismissing the idea of chemically innovative sheets . Additionally, a utility model for electric purography involves a rice paper that can be used to create vivid and beautiful pyrographs with strong stereoscopic impressions and a third dimension . Another utility model introduces a mechanism for tearing pictures on feeler blade paper, which has a wide application scope and can achieve automatic streamlined production . Furthermore, a wall paper is described that allows for easily changing the design by incorporating a circuit board, memory, operating part, display device, power supply means, and a planar base material . Lastly, a picture-weaving in silk wall paper is designed to improve the fire behavior of wall paper and ensure its adherence to the wall body surface .

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The provided paper is about a picture-weaving in silk wall paper that aims to improve the fire behavior of wall paper. There is no information about likes being related to pictures in the paper.
The provided paper is about a wall paper with a picture reproducing function. It does not mention anything about likes being related to pictures.
Lin Dingxiao, Chen Xu 
08 Aug 2017
1 Citations
The provided paper is about a brake block feeler blade paper-tear picture mechanism. There is no information about likes being related to pictures in the paper.
The provided paper is about a rice paper used for electric pyrography. It does not mention anything about likes or any relation between likes and pictures.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
3 Citations
The provided paper is about the chemically innovative sheets of rewritable paper. There is no information in the paper about likes being related to pictures.

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