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Isotope O change by slope depth 

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The oxygen isotopic composition can change with depth, as indicated by various studies. For instance, research in the Southern Ocean revealed that the slope of the oxygen isotope-salinity relationship varied with depth, showing different origins of water masses at different depths . In another study, the δ18O values in chert decreased with increasing sub-bottom depth, suggesting different temperatures of formation at various depths . Additionally, investigations in hillslope agro-ecosystems demonstrated distinct isotopic signatures in soil water at different depths, indicating varied infiltration patterns and the possible existence of a low permeable layer at around 60 cm depth . Moreover, experiments on hillslopes in a mountainous catchment showed different shapes of depth profiles of deuterium in relation to hillslope position, highlighting the influence of topography on isotopic signals at different depths .

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Yes, the stable isotope profiles of oxygen (O) change with depth, as shown by the study's monitoring of water stable isotope profiles in an evaporating soil column.
The isotopic signature of oxygen (δ18O) in soil water changes with slope depth, indicating varying infiltration patterns and the possible presence of a low permeable layer around 60 cm depth.
The oxygen isotope change varies with depth due to different hydrological processes, as indicated by the slope of the oxygen isotope-salinity relationship in the Southern Ocean.
The isotopic composition of water (O) changes with slope depth, showing distinct patterns related to wetness affinity and subsurface flow paths along hillslopes.
The oxygen isotope composition in chert decreases with increasing sub-bottom depth, indicating varying formation temperatures. The slope of the δO/depth curve differs among sites, suggesting different thermal histories.

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