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Issues teachers face in the classroom 

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Teachers face various challenges in the classroom, as highlighted in the research. These challenges include dealing with problematic situations that affect their practices, such as behavioral issues like student aggression towards teachers . Additionally, teachers in Japan experience mental health issues due to long working hours resulting from the classroom management style, leading to conditions like depression and adjustment disorders . Concerns about adopting and integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom also pose challenges for teachers in developing countries, impacting the quality of education delivery . Furthermore, teachers often encounter unplanned controversial issues in the classroom, addressing topics like prejudice, discrimination, and controversial pedagogy, which require thoughtful handling . These findings emphasize the diverse range of issues teachers navigate while striving to create effective learning environments.

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Teachers face unplanned controversial issues in the classroom, including mainstream controversies, teacher-initiated controversies, and controversial pedagogy, drawing upon personal, current, cultural, and historical dimensions.
Teachers face concerns in integrating ICT in classrooms, with highest intensity in awareness, management, and information stages. Personal attributes like teaching experience, age, and class level influence these concerns.
Teachers face behavioral problems like student aggression more than learning management issues. This study highlights the importance of addressing authentic classroom problems and teacher training for effective management.
Japanese elementary school teachers face mental health issues like depression due to long working hours caused by the Japanese classroom management style, impacting their well-being and work-life balance.

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