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OHe can form in Neutral stars or white dwarfs? 

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OHe, composed of lepton-like doubly charged particles bound with primordial helium nuclei, can form in neutral stars or white dwarfs. The OHe hypothesis suggests that OHe dark atoms, with charged particles O$^{--}$ bound to helium nuclei, could constitute a significant portion of dark matter. These OHe atoms interact with nuclei through Coulomb and nuclear forces, potentially forming bound states with various nuclei, leading to keV binding energies. The stabilization of these bound states is crucial and likely involves the presence of a barrier in the OHe-nucleus potential . Additionally, the interaction of OHe with nuclei can result in the formation of O-beryllium ions, posing challenges due to the potential overabundance of anomalous isotopes in terrestrial matter .

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Open access
24 Nov 2012
15 Citations
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Open access
16 Nov 2011
4 Citations
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