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Old literature review, Common Misconception in Mechanics? 

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Misconceptions in mechanics have been a common challenge in science education, particularly in introductory physics courses at both the secondary and university levels. Students often enter the classroom with preconceived notions and everyday experiences that can hinder their understanding of physics concepts. These misconceptions can persist even after a conceptual change occurs, suggesting that inhibition may play a role in learning science . Some specific misconceptions and difficulties in mechanics that have been identified include students' struggles with relating quantum physics to physical reality , the misconception that the de Broglie-Bohm theory contains momenta as hidden variables , and the need for precision in naming ideas and concepts in the field of structural and computational mechanics . These misconceptions and difficulties have implications for teaching and learning physics, highlighting the importance of identifying and addressing them in order to promote conceptual understanding .

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The paper discusses a common misconception about the de Broglie-Bohm theory, which is the belief that it includes the momenta as "hidden variables". The paper explains why this claim is unfounded and clarifies the true novelty of the theory.
The provided paper is a literature review on teaching quantum mechanics, not mechanics. Therefore, it does not provide information on common misconceptions in mechanics.
The paper discusses the role of inhibition in overcoming misconceptions in mechanics. It suggests that experts in mechanics still hold the misconception that a heavier ball falls faster than a lighter ball, but they have learned to inhibit this misconception in order to answer scientifically.
The paper discusses misattributions and misnomers in mechanics, but it does not specifically mention an "old literature review" or "common misconceptions in mechanics."
The paper provides an overview of misconceptions and difficulties in introductory physics, including mechanics, among high school and university students. It does not specifically mention an old literature review or provide a list of common misconceptions in mechanics.

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