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Postcolonialism in education in vietnam? 

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Postcolonialism in education in Vietnam has been shaped by various influences, including imperialism, colonialism, and globalization. Local dimensions in Vietnamese education have evolved through responses like adaptation, nationalism, and patriotism, influenced by different historical periods . Worker's Faculties in postcolonial Vietnam have aimed to prepare adult workers for higher education, reflecting local actors' efforts to address specific challenges . Educational policies for ethnic minorities in postcolonial Vietnam highlight the struggle between promoting national integration and preserving local identities, languages, and cultures . A case study in Vietnam demonstrates a shift from colonizing educational policies towards democratizing school culture through reforms like lesson study for learning community (LSLC) . The lack of a postcolonial approach in studying Vietnam may stem from the country's unique hybrid modernity influenced by colonial and socialist eras .

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Postcolonialism in education in Vietnam is influenced by hybrid modernity stemming from colonial and socialist eras, shaping alternative modernities and the Vietnamese Marxist-Leninist state's impact on education.
The study discusses how a school in Vietnam resisted colonizing education policies through lesson study, advocating for democratizing school culture to counter negative impacts of such policies.
The paper discusses postcolonial challenges in education in Vietnam, focusing on national unity, ethnic identity, and policies for minority students in the postcolonial era.
Worker's Faculties in postcolonial Vietnam were established to prepare adult workers for university and create a new socialist intelligentsia, showcasing postcolonial educational transfers in the country.
The Vietnamese education system reflects postcolonial influences, transitioning from imperialism and colonialism to globalization's neoliberal impacts, fostering local responses and internationalization policies.

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