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Should bilingual children learn reading in two languages at the same time or in sequence? 

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Bilingual children may benefit from learning reading in two languages simultaneously rather than sequentially. Research suggests that bilinguals in 50:50 dual-language programs outperformed those in 90:10 programs on certain reading tasks, indicating advantages in language and reading skills when learning both languages concurrently . Simultaneous bilingual children are not at a disadvantage compared to monolingual peers, and their dual language skills should be positively reinforced . Biliteracy is considered crucial for bilingual children's development, with advanced biliteracy enhancing phonological awareness and metacognitive abilities, ultimately aiding in maintaining bilingual acquisition and developing writing skills . Programs teaching reading skills in both languages concurrently have shown success in student achievement, supporting the idea of simultaneous bilingual reading instruction .

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Bilingual children can learn reading in two languages simultaneously, as research shows they are not disadvantaged in language development. Both languages should be positively reinforced for optimal skill development.
Bilingual children benefit from learning to read in two languages simultaneously, as it enhances phonological awareness and metacognitive abilities, supporting overall bilingual development and writing skills.
Bilingual children can learn to read in two languages simultaneously, as research shows that basic linguistic skills transfer between languages, supporting the development of reading proficiency in both languages.
Bilingual children may benefit from learning to read in two languages simultaneously, as it can enhance language and reading skills through different cognitive processes, as suggested by the research findings.

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