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Subtopics about online games? 

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Subtopics about online games encompass a wide range of themes. These include the exploration of racism, sexism, and homophobia within online games, focusing on identity experimentation, stereotypes, griefing, and progressive game design . Online games are viewed as a form of digital consumption, shaping gamer subject formation, consumer culture, and cultural texts within the gaming environment . The development of online games involves various disciplines such as technology, entertainment, and behavior sciences, leading to research themes like network infrastructure, player studies, and game business models . Fundamental principles of online multiplayer games cover human-centered computing, social interactions, player motivations, virtual economies, and their implications on external society . Additionally, Web-based learning support systems integrate learning games and search subsystems to enhance student engagement, self-evaluation, and efficient learning environments .

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
09 Apr 2007
7 Citations
The paper discusses two major subsystems for online learning support: a learning-oriented Web search and a Web-based learning game, specifically a treasure hunt game.
Book ChapterDOI
05 Aug 2022
Subtopics about online games include gamer subject formation, consumer culture, play and entertainment, gamer's subject position, game structure, cultural universe, and digital consumption as a whole.
Subtopics about online games include racism, sexism, and homophobia, covering MUDs in the 1990s to contemporary indie games, focusing on identity, stereotypes, griefing, trolling, and progressive design.
The research paper identifies 25 main research themes in online games, including network infrastructure, game platform architecture, player study, social activities, and game business models.
Open accessBook
13 Jan 2010
27 Citations
Subtopics about online games include historical-cultural origins, technical constraints, rolecoding, player motivation, avatars, virtual economies, social interactions, and societal implications, as discussed in the paper.

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What is the online games impact?5 answersOnline games have both positive and negative impacts on individuals. They can provide stress relief, competition, and relaxation, making them a popular form of leisure activity. However, excessive playing of online games can have negative effects on individuals, especially children and teenagers. It can lead to addiction, procrastination of important tasks such as prayer worship, laziness, waste of time and material, impolite language, rebellion against parents, irritability, and even health problems. These negative impacts can affect individuals' attitudes, behavior, and academic performance. It is important for parents to be aware of these impacts and take appropriate measures to manage and regulate their children's online gaming habits.
What are facts about online games?5 answersOnline games have become a popular form of digital consumption, provoking significant changes in the consumer experience beyond video game devices. They are a rapidly growing Internet application, and proper management of game workloads and content is crucial for maximizing player satisfaction and minimizing costs. Online games have both positive and negative impacts on social and cognitive development, with effects on social interactions, addiction, and cognitive skills. Additionally, online game addiction is a concern among students, with a tendency to spend excessive time, thought, and money on playing.
What are the informative conclusions about online games?5 answersOnline gaming has a significant impact on college students' attitudes, behavior, and academic performance. The habits of online gaming have a negative impact on children's learning patterns at home. Excessive playing of online games can lead to depression among nursing students. Online games have no impact on students' history lessons at SMAN 4 Jambi City. Online games are a form of digital consumption that shapes the gamer's subject formation and contributes to consumer culture.
What is the history of online games?5 answersOnline games have a rich history that spans several decades. The development of information technology and the internet has brought major changes to human life, including the emergence of online games as a form of entertainment. The first online game, named Spacewar, was created in 1961 using a mainframe computer. In the early years, Chinese online games were developed by amateurs and noncommercial entities, showcasing considerable creativity. Over time, the industry experienced commercialization and the dominance of imported games, but still allowed room for local creativity. From the late 2000s onwards, the Chinese game industry achieved commercial success, but also witnessed the emergence of a new and ethically dubious business model that impacted global game design. Online gaming has evolved from text-based multiuser dungeons to encompass a wide range of platforms, including personal computers, consoles, handheld devices, and mobile phones. It has become a mainstream leisure activity that shapes the future of the internet.
What is the meaning of online games difinition?3 answersOnline games are computer games that are played over the internet or other computer networks. They are popular among children and have changed the way they play, shifting from simple tools to using devices like PCs and smartphones. Online games can be played simultaneously by multiple players connected to a specific network. They are regulated by End User License Agreements (EULAs), which outline the consequences for violating the agreement. Online games have recreational, competitive, educational, and social interaction aspects. They can be modeled as noncooperative games, where independent agents serve requests in a common environment and seek to minimize their own costs. Algorithmic game theory (AGT) focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms for interacting agents in games, including online games. Online gaming is an everyday activity for most youth, and it has both positive opportunities and potential problematic experiences.
What is online game?1 answersOnline games are computer games played over the internet or other computer networks. They have become extremely popular among children and youth, offering recreational, competitive, educational, and social interaction experiences. Online games can be accessed through online service providers or directly through game companies. They are usually played simultaneously by multiple players connected to a specific network. Young people integrate online games into their everyday lives, spending a significant amount of time playing and maintaining social relationships through gaming. Online gaming has become the most popular form of gaming worldwide, with millions of people playing games such as World of Warcraft and Second Life. Online games also have legal implications, as evidence from these games can be used in investigations and legal actions. Additionally, there are specific methods and systems for creating unique effects in online games, such as combining soul items with weapon items.

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