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These hypothetical, theoretical and methodological considerations offer a more nuanced understanding of doping behaviours, making an effective contribution to anti-doping education and research by enabling researchers and policy personnel to become more critically reflective about their explicit and implicit assumptions regarding models of explanations for doping behaviour.
The coaches’ role frame supported an anti-doping stance, but, it also presented a risk and was insufficient to ensure action.
The findings have significant implications for the design of anti-doping research and education, and the implementation of anti-doping policy.
Due to numerous structural similarities between the policy of anti-doping and UEFA’s intended policy to fight financial doping, in particular the latter may learn from former experiences.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Bengt Kayser, Alexandre Mauron, Andy Miah 
29 Mar 2007-BMC Medical Ethics
203 Citations
Finally, we argue that the involvement of the medical profession in doping and anti-doping challenges the principles of non-maleficience and of privacy protection.

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Unchallenged, professed core values: Do undergraduate fraternity/sorority members actually benefit in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and friendship?
5 answers
Undergraduate fraternity and sorority members do benefit in various areas such as scholarship, leadership, service, and friendship. These organizations provide developmental opportunities through service, leadership, and involvement, aligning with civic values and promoting agency in the world. Leadership development programs sponsored by fraternities can facilitate meaningful experiences and long-term learning gains for members, enhancing their leadership skills. Additionally, participation in Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) has been linked to increased student persistence at universities, with FSL members being more likely to persist compared to non-participating students. Overall, these findings suggest that undergraduate fraternity and sorority members indeed benefit in scholarship, leadership, service, and friendship aspects.
The use of social media for entertainment correlates with a basic need for autonomy?
5 answers
The use of social media for entertainment can impact autonomy needs. Research suggests that social media can both support and suppress autonomy in adolescents, influencing their development. Extrinsic motivation, like social pressure to use media, can affect autonomy need satisfaction negatively while positively impacting competence and relatedness need satisfaction during Facebook use. Furthermore, adolescents' engagement with social media can influence their basic psychological needs satisfaction, affecting their well-being and developmental goals. Autonomy in social media users can be compromised through data control, attention manipulation, and behavior influence, highlighting the importance of regulating social media to protect users' autonomy. Overall, the relationship between social media use for entertainment and autonomy is complex, with both supportive and suppressive aspects depending on various factors.
The use of social media for entertainment by students correlates with a basic need for autonomy?
5 answers
The use of social media for entertainment by students can indeed correlate with a basic need for autonomy. Social media platforms play a significant role in shaping adolescents' autonomy development, impacting their self-governance, choicefulness, and sense of self. Additionally, adolescents' engagement with social media can influence their satisfaction or frustration of basic psychological needs, such as identity formation and peer affiliation, which are crucial for autonomy. Furthermore, the philosophical perspective on autonomy highlights the importance of having control over key aspects of one's life and not being manipulated by external forces, a concept that can be challenged by social media's influence on users' data, attention, and behavior. Therefore, students' use of social media for entertainment can be intertwined with their quest for autonomy, as it impacts their development, psychological needs, and control over their online interactions.
What are the specific mental health challenges faced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic?
5 answers
During the COVID-19 pandemic, students faced various mental health challenges. International students in the United States encountered academic, financial, and mental health challenges, with academic difficulties leading to higher mental distress. Working students experienced emotional and physical limitations, reduced in-person connections, and financial constraints, while also gaining opportunities for skill development and positive outlooks. In the Philippines, students reported mild depression and anxiety, especially among females, due to fear, worry, financial issues hindering mental health care, and lack of counseling services. Higher educational institution students globally faced high rates of anxiety, depression, and stress, influenced by factors like age, economic status, and fear of infection. These challenges highlight the need for tailored interventions and support systems to address students' mental health struggles during the pandemic.
What are the challenges faced by language schools in terms of student engagement and retention?
5 answers
Language schools face various challenges related to student engagement and retention. These challenges include distractions beyond teachers' control, limited interaction in online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, and difficulties in teaching mixed-ability classes. Teachers play a crucial role in engaging students through rapport building, interaction, and collaboration. Additionally, the shift towards online learning due to the pandemic led to issues such as internet connectivity problems, limited resources, and lack of digital awareness among teachers. Furthermore, the introduction of new language education concepts and testing frameworks has influenced language teaching practices, impacting student performance in language examinations. Overall, addressing these challenges requires innovative strategies to enhance student engagement and improve retention rates in language schools.
Document analysis in quantitative research
5 answers
Document analysis in quantitative research involves using statistical procedures to analyze text data systematically. Quantitative text analysis, also known as computational text analysis, allows researchers to process large amounts of text, such as policy documents or social media posts, to identify words, topics, and patterns. This method typically includes steps like reading text into a computer program, tokenizing the text into constituent words or features, and extracting a document feature matrix for analysis. While quantitative text analysis focuses on statistical methods, it can complement qualitative document analysis techniques, forming a dialectical unity where both qualitative and quantitative approaches are essential for comprehensive document analysis in research.
Why do Indonesians tend to have low interest in reading English?
5 answers
Indonesians tend to have low interest in reading English due to various factors. Firstly, the lack of interest in reading can be linked to a lack of awareness of Indonesian culture, contributing to a low literacy rate. Additionally, the difficulty perceived in learning English, with extensive material and challenging reading materials, can demotivate students. Moreover, the compulsory nature of English education in Indonesia, without fostering a supportive learning environment, can lead to demotivation among students, affecting their interest in reading English. Lack of practice, skills, and strategies in preparing for English exams also plays a role in diminishing interest in reading English. Addressing these factors through supportive learning atmospheres, engaging teaching practices, and promoting positive uses of social media can help increase Indonesians' interest in reading English.
What strategies can improve Adherence with a sports injury rehabilitation program?
5 answers
To enhance adherence to a sports injury rehabilitation program, several strategies can be implemented. Firstly, creating autonomy-supportive environments that foster self-regulation and motivation can lead to improved adherence. Additionally, providing social support, including mental, practical, and task-related support, has been shown to positively impact exercise adherence in injured athletes. Moreover, focusing on psychological factors such as motivation, self-efficacy, and mental toughness can serve as predictors in aiding an athlete's rehabilitation adherence, with confidence in mental toughness being highlighted as a significant predictor. Lastly, encouraging athletes to develop coping strategies, maintain open dialogues, and set achievable goals can further contribute to better adherence and successful rehabilitation outcomes.
How many people are running worldwide?
5 answers
Approximately 59.5 million people worldwide are on the run, according to the UN Refugee Agency in late 2014. This significant number reflects the global scale of displacement and migration. Moreover, the GEM 2011 Global Report estimated that in 2011, there were 388 million entrepreneurs actively engaged in starting and running new businesses across 54 economies. The issue of water scarcity is also a critical concern, with water shortages affecting numerous countries due to the increasing demand surpassing the available supply. As highlighted in the discussions on hydrological poverty and water deficits, the world faces challenges as water tables decline and wells dry up, impacting millions of individuals globally.
Is workaholism one of the factors of work-life balance?
5 answers
Workaholism is indeed a factor that influences work-life balance. Research indicates a negative relationship between workaholism and work-family balance, as well as a negative association between workaholism and employee wellbeing. Additionally, studies highlight the impact of work-life balance strategies on the interplay between workaholism and work-family enrichment, revealing that inadequate strategies fail to address the effects of workaholism effectively. Furthermore, workaholism components like drive to work and work enjoyment are associated with life and work values, with varying correlations observed based on the hierarchy of values. Job crafting, work engagement, and workaholism are interconnected in public sector organizations, emphasizing the importance of balancing job resources and demands to mitigate workaholism and enhance employee wellbeing. Overall, workaholism plays a significant role in work-life balance dynamics and employee wellbeing.
Should high school students go through university preparedness programs?
4 answers
High school students should consider going through university preparedness programs based on the findings from various studies. Research indicates that such programs can enhance students' confidence, discipline, and adaptability to the university environment. These programs also provide opportunities for students to develop social and emotional skills, gain vocational competency, and understand the importance of university life. Additionally, university preparatory programs aim to bridge the gap between high school education and university requirements, helping students refine their skills, choose majors, and succeed academically. Therefore, participating in university preparedness programs can significantly benefit high school students in their transition to higher education and future careers.