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Was Ukraine completely defenseless when attacked by Russia? 

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Ukraine was not completely defenseless when attacked by Russia. In 2022, Ukraine demonstrated resilience against a full-scale Russian invasion, showcasing strengthened institutions, political legitimacy, and enhanced armed forces capacity . The Russian attack on Ukraine targeted military objectives and civilians, leading to concerns about violations of international humanitarian law . Russia's strategic culture, driven by a sense of vulnerability and entitlement to great power status, perceived Ukraine's alignment with the West as a threat, ultimately leading to the attack . Despite facing this aggression, Ukraine's ability to withstand the invasion and garner international support highlights its preparedness and defense capabilities, indicating that it was not defenseless when confronted by Russia.

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No, Ukraine was not completely defenseless when attacked by Russia. The attack was driven by Russia's strategic culture, feeling threatened by Ukraine's alignment with the West.
Ukraine was not defenseless when attacked by Russia. The paper highlights Ukraine's expected compliance with international law in defending against Russian aggression.
No, Ukraine was not defenseless when attacked by Russia. The country demonstrated resilience and strengthened its institutions, armed forces, national unity, and international support to withstand the invasion.
Not addressed in the paper.

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