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What algorithms are used for staff scheduling software? 

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Staff scheduling software utilizes various algorithms to optimize the allocation of personnel. Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been successfully employed for this purpose, overcoming the limitations of classical GA paradigms by using indirect coding based on permutations and heuristic decoders . In the field of airport security services, a greedy algorithm and a global assignment algorithm are used for staff assignment, with an iterative time out destruction/construction algorithm for solution improvement . Healthcare staff scheduling, with its multiple conflicting objectives and constraints, benefits from a fuzzy-based genetic algorithm (FGA) that incorporates fuzzy set theory and decision maker preferences . Task scheduling in cloud computing systems is addressed by various algorithms categorized based on task scheduling metrics, aiming to enhance system performance . Metaheuristic techniques such as Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization, and Firefly Algorithm are commonly used for job scheduling in parallel and distributed computing environments .

Answers from top 4 papers

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The provided paper does not discuss staff scheduling software algorithms. It focuses on job scheduling algorithms in parallel and distributed computing environments.
Open access
Michael Mutingi, Charles Mbohwa 
01 Jan 2013
3 Citations
The paper does not mention specific algorithms used for staff scheduling software. The paper focuses on the use of a fuzzy-based genetic algorithm (FGA) for healthcare staff scheduling.
The paper discusses two algorithms for staff scheduling in airport security service: a greedy algorithm and a global assignment algorithm.
Open access
Ahmad Reza Tahanian, Maryam Khaleghi 
01 Jan 2013
7 Citations
The paper discusses the use of Genetic Algorithms for staff scheduling, specifically in a Petrochemical Company. No other algorithms are mentioned in the paper.

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