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What are public librarians opinions on book banning and the offereing of controversal literature in the united states? 

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Public librarians in the United States hold varying opinions on book banning and the offering of controversial literature. Research involving over 3,200 public librarians in the Midwest in the 1970s aimed to gauge their attitudes towards intellectual freedom and censorship . The relationship between librarians and censorship has historically been complex, with challenges arising from issues like religion, politics, and sex . Librarians are seen as having a duty to facilitate access to controversial information while serving their communities and adhering to governing bodies . Furthermore, the American Library Association (ALA) has been a key figure in advocating for intellectual freedom ideals within the library profession, emphasizing the importance of providing diverse literature to patrons .

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Public librarians in the United States may self-censor due to fear of book challenges, impacting access to diverse literature for students, as highlighted in the research.
Journal ArticleDOI
Charles Oppenheim, Victoria Smith 
28 Citations
Public librarians in the United States aim to facilitate access to controversial literature, supporting intellectual freedom despite challenges, as highlighted in the research paper on censorship in libraries.
Public librarians in the US focus on banned books in schools and libraries but overlook the significant issue of book banning in prisons, perpetuating racial injustice and ethical shortcomings.
Public librarians in the Midwest show varying attitudes towards intellectual freedom, censorship, and antidemocratic ideas, as revealed in a 1970-71 survey on their views on book banning and controversial literature.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
30 Apr 2019
13 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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How does book banning affact public libraries in the united states?4 answersBook banning significantly impacts public libraries in the United States by restricting access to diverse literature and challenging intellectual freedom. Studies show that censorship efforts, like those targeting Horatio Alger's works, often have limited impact on library holdings and circulation. Research indicates that public opinion on book removal due to racist content has remained relatively stable over the years, with education level, race, and religion being key factors influencing support for removal. Advocates emphasize the importance of allowing students to access books with diverse characters, as they serve as mirrors or windows for readers, enhancing their learning and understanding of the world. Historical perspectives suggest that novels should be available in libraries unless objections arise, highlighting the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to book selection.
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What effect has book banning had on literacy in education?4 answersBook banning has had a significant impact on literacy in education. The censorship of books limits students' access to diverse perspectives and ideas, hindering their ability to think critically and engage with controversial topics. Culturally relevant literature is often targeted for censorship, depriving students of the opportunity to explore their own identities and understand the experiences of others. Banned books, especially those that challenge societal norms, can remain marginalized and unknown to the general public, perpetuating a culture of silence and ignorance. Teaching banned books, on the other hand, promotes critical thinking and encourages students to question assumptions and engage in meaningful discussions. It is important for educators to reflect on their own discomfort and biases when it comes to controversial texts, as this can impact their ability to create inclusive and open learning environments.
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