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What are some of the recommended books on companion diagnostics? 

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Companion diagnostics is a fast-evolving area of medical research that plays a central role in the development of targeted drugs. The success of targeted therapy depends on the performance of companion diagnostic assays, which provide information necessary for safe and effective use of therapeutic products . The first generation of companion diagnostic assays relies on single biomarker detection, but a new generation is under development that will be based on patient profiling and multiplex platforms . Molecular imaging using radiolabeled small molecules, peptides, and antibodies has shown potential as a companion diagnostic, allowing evaluation of tumors at both anatomical and molecular levels . As more predictive biomarkers become clinically validated and more targeted therapies become available, multiplex and multiparameter diagnostics will replace single marker companion diagnostics, enabling rapid molecular taxonomy across disease entities . There is a need for accurate companion diagnostics to ensure the right patient selection for targeted therapies .

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