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What are some psychosocial contributions to the phenomenology of near-death experiences? 

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Psychosocial contributions to the phenomenology of near-death experiences (NDEs) include the loss of fear of death, psychological sequelae, and complex conscious abilities . NDEs challenge objective-mechanistic models of death by suggesting that the phenomenology of death involves a variety of complex psychological processes . NDEs have been shown to have a profound impact on the lives of those who experience them . NDE memories are phenomenologically rich, and the narratives of NDErs provide detailed information about the vocabulary used to describe their experiences . The structure of NDE narratives can be divided into "time-bounded" themes, which refer to isolated events encountered during the NDE, and a "transversal" theme, which characterizes the whole narrative . The study of NDEs can contribute to advancing societal understandings of death and has practical applications in professions such as palliative care .

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The provided paper does not specifically discuss psychosocial contributions to the phenomenology of near-death experiences.
The provided paper does not specifically discuss psychosocial contributions to the phenomenology of near-death experiences.
The paper discusses three notable psychosocial contributions to the phenomenology of near-death experiences: loss of the fear of death, psychological sequelae, and complex conscious abilities.
The paper does not provide information about psychosocial contributions to the phenomenology of near-death experiences.
The paper does not provide any information about psychosocial contributions to the phenomenology of near-death experiences.

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