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What are sound studies? 

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Sound studies is an interdisciplinary field that explores the significance of sound in various contexts, including culture, society, technology, and literature. It involves the study of man-made and natural sounds, music, sound transmission, and reproduction through different media. This field delves into the historical, technological, and cultural aspects of sound, examining how our perception of sound has evolved over time and how it is influenced by political, commercial, and cultural forces. Sound studies also encompasses the intersection of sound and rhetoric, particularly in the realm of speech, where sound plays a crucial role in conveying meaning beyond the text itself. Overall, sound studies offers a multi-faceted approach to understanding the role of sound in shaping human experiences and interactions across various disciplines.

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Sound studies are a unique intersection of sound and rhetoric, originating from the history of speech rhetoric. It explores sound's influence on listeners, speechmaking, and societal advocacy.
Book ChapterDOI
02 Nov 2018
5 Citations
Sound Studies explore sound's history, technology, and cultural impact. It delves into how we perceive sound and its evolution from traditional instruments to modern media.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Samuel Llano, Tom Whittaker 
15 Citations
Sound studies explore the role of auditory experiences in culture and society, encompassing various disciplines to understand the significance of sound in different contexts.
Sound studies involve studying man-made and natural sound, music, and its transmission through media like radio. It informs new approaches to literature by exploring sound's role in cultural expression.
Sound studies is an interdisciplinary field exploring sound's social, cultural, and political aspects. It challenges Western biases and aims to redefine the perception of sound.

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What is sound?4 answersSound is a vibration or pressure wave that transmits energy through a medium such as air or water. It is detected as changes in pressure and perceived as sound by the human ear or other acoustic receivers. The loudness of sound is determined by the amplitude or height of the sound pressure wave, which is measured in decibels (dB) on a logarithmic scale. Sound pressure levels should not be confused with sound intensity, which is the acoustical energy emitted by a sound source over time. Sound is a self-sustaining disturbance of the ambient pressure or density, which is received through our ears and perceived by our auditory system. In its historical sense, sound is a disturbance produced by objects in a medium that reaches the ear and produces the sensation of hearing. Acoustics, the science of sound, explores the properties and experiences of sound, including ultrasonics, which are sounds beyond our hearing range. Sound is a mechanical wave with properties such as amplitude, phase, duration, and frequency. It can be considered as a time series, a digital object, and a support of information. Sound can also be reconfigured as a non-hierarchical network, connecting with the world and proposing ways of re-enchanting sound through art.
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