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What are tailing dams? 

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Tailing dams are specialized structures used in the mining industry to store waste materials left over from the ore extraction process. These dams are crucial for containing the byproducts of mining operations, which can be toxic and environmentally hazardous. Tailing dams are prone to sudden failures, making monitoring their mechanical and hydraulic state essential. The design of tailing dams must consider long-term stability and the properties of the stored materials, as aging processes can affect their hydro-mechanical response. Various techniques, such as numerical models and empirical mode decomposition, are employed to predict and mitigate issues like dam deformation and seepage, ensuring the safety of these structures.

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Tailing dams are structures built to store tailings, protecting the environment. Seepage can lead to accidents, emphasizing the importance of seepage and stability assessments in their design.
Tailing dams store waste from mining processes. Aging can alter tailings' chemical and physical properties, impacting their reuse in construction and environmental aspects.
Tailings dams are structures for storing waste material from mining operations, aiding in wastewater treatment and safe storage of processed ore residue, ensuring environmental safety and stability.
Tailing dams are structures in mining, holding leftover materials after ore processing. They are prone to sudden failures, necessitating monitoring using sensors and numerical models for rapid response.

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Simulation of tailings dam?5 answersSimulation of tailings dam failures is a widely used practice to assist in the design of tailings storage facilities. Various numerical methods, such as the Material Points Method and the Finite Element Method, are employed to simulate the runout of tailings flows resulting from potential dam breaches. These simulations aim to fulfill both geo-mechanical and hydrodynamical requirements and provide realistic results based on geotechnical properties. The simulations help estimate the extent of areas affected by released materials, such as mud deposition, and assess the potential radiation doses to members of the public in case of an emergency exposure situation. The simulations also compare the effects of different water levels on the stability and deformation of tailings dams. Additionally, simulations are used to dynamically calculate critical parameters of flooding and sand velocity after a collapse, aiding in the determination of dangerous areas downstream and the safety management of key areas.
How can tailings be valorized to produce new materials?4 answersMine tailings can be valorized to produce new materials through various methods. One approach is the use of cold-granulated artificial aggregates, which involves the efficient immobilization of heavy metals and the partial replacement of aggregates in mortar mixes. Another method is the recovery of residual silver from silver mine tailings through froth flotation, followed by the ecofriendly use of the treated tailings to manufacture ceramic materials. Geopolymer materials can also be obtained by utilizing mining tailings, which eliminates the leaching of heavy metals and allows for the production of new materials. Additionally, sulfidic mine tailings can be incorporated into ceramic roof tiles, resulting in improved properties such as density, water absorption, and firing shrinkage. Furthermore, mine tailings can be a potential source of critical raw materials, such as rare earths and vanadium, which can be economically recovered through suitable technologies.
How do tailings liquefy?5 answersStep 1: Answer without citation Tailings can liquefy due to two dominant failure mechanisms: progressive failure in a weak soil layer in the dam foundation and static or dynamic liquefaction of loose tailings material at a critical state. This liquefaction can occur rapidly with no warning, often initiated by a local instability leading to a global failure mechanism without additional load actions. Step 3: Answer with citation Tailings can liquefy due to two dominant failure mechanisms: progressive failure in a weak soil layer in the dam foundation and static or dynamic liquefaction of loose tailings material at a critical state ^[Bjørn Kalsnes] ^[Steve J. Poulos]. This liquefaction can occur rapidly with no warning, often initiated by a local instability leading to a global failure mechanism without additional load actions ^[Bjørn Kalsnes].
How does the facility tailings storage affect the environment?4 answersTailings storage facilities (TSFs) in the mining industry can have significant environmental impacts. The large amount of waste generated by the mining industry, mainly in the form of tailings, poses a challenge for their management and containment. Failure of these structures can result in the release of tailings into downstream territories, causing catastrophic consequences for the environment and local communities. The constant raising of embankments and the structural safety of TSFs require careful day-to-day management, including inspections, surveys, monitoring, and safety analysis. Re-mining of tailings can help reduce the volume of stored tailings and diversify raw materials supply chains, but it requires accurate resource modeling and estimation. In the event of TSF failures, the resulting tailings flows can pose risks to downstream populations, infrastructure, and ecosystems. Dust generation from tailings storage facilities is also a concern, and computational models can be used to assess the intensity of dust formation and develop methods for its reduction.
What type is soil used for tailing dams?5 answersTailings dams can be constructed using different types of soil. One type of soil used for tailings dams is red mud, which is a waste industrial product from aluminum industries. Another type of soil used is waste rock or mine tailings, which are the waste created during extraction of ore from mining or by-products from mineral beneficiation and manufacturing. The construction of tailings dams can also involve the use of soil with specific geotechnical properties such as plasticity, compaction, permeability, shear strength characteristics, and dispersion. The stability and seepage analysis of tailings dams can be conducted using finite element analysis, which takes into account the geotechnical parameters of the soil used. The seepage conditions of tailings dams, particularly upstream-type dams, are a topic of research and investigation, with factors such as beach width, permeability anisotropy, raising rate of embankment, and slope inclination being studied.
What are mine tailings?5 answersMine tailings are the residual materials left over after the extraction and beneficiation of ores in mining activities. They consist of fine-grained material with high concentrations of metals, salts, and other toxic elements. Mine tailings are a major environmental concern due to their potential hazards to surrounding ecosystems, including water bodies and forests. They can lead to pollution, metal leaching, and acid mine drainage, posing threats to soil, water resources, and human health. However, mine tailings also present opportunities for remediation and resource recovery. They can be treated in-situ using natural processes like bioremediation and phytoremediation, which involve the use of microorganisms or plants to remove pollutants and restore the ecosystem. Additionally, mine tailings can be utilized as feedstocks for the production of construction materials, contributing to the reduction of environmental contamination and storage facility failures.

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