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What are the Advantages and disadvantages of a two party system? 

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The advantages of a two-party system include stability, coherence, and competitiveness in politics, as seen in developed democracies like the UK and the US . However, challenges arise, such as increased ideological polarization, weakened party discipline, and heightened competition in fundraising and campaign spending, making governance more difficult . Research in England suggests that having three parties does not necessarily lead to more defection from undemocratic politicians, with voters often favoring the ideologically nearest option even if it has no chance of winning . In Romania, the relationship between the electoral system and the two-party system during modernization highlights the complexity of historical political developments .

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Advantages of the Romanian two-party system (1866-1914) include political stability and clear choices, while drawbacks may involve limited representation and potential for polarization.
Not addressed in the paper.
Advantages of a two-party system include stability and competitiveness, while disadvantages may involve limited representation and potential polarization in traditional democratic societies.
Not addressed in the paper.

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