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What are the AI characteristics? 

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The characteristics of AI include trustworthiness, functional suitability, reliability, security, portability, compatibility, and maintainability. These qualities are crucial for human-AI teaming in smart manufacturing, ensuring effective collaboration between human operators and AI systems. Trustworthiness, explicability, and auditability are also highlighted as essential quality characteristics for AI-based software platforms in manufacturing settings. Additionally, the AI workforce is defined by skills in statistics, computer science, and machine learning, emphasizing the importance of nurturing talent with these capabilities for countries aiming to lead in AI development. Furthermore, in the realm of AI painting, issues such as infringement risks, lack of creativity, and hidden infringement processes are identified, necessitating legislative clarity to protect original authors' rights.

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Trustworthiness, explicability, and auditability are key AI characteristics for human-AI teaming in smart manufacturing, as highlighted in the research paper.
AI painting characteristics include data crawling from original works, lack of creativity, income deprivation for original authors, covert infringement process, and potential risks like falsified materials, unemployment, and ethical concerns.
Trustworthiness, explicability, and auditability are key AI characteristics for human-AI teaming in smart manufacturing, as highlighted in the research paper.
Trustworthiness, explicability, and auditability are key AI characteristics highlighted in the research for human-AI teaming in smart manufacturing software platforms.

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