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What are the aspects, indicators and items of assertive behavior? 

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Assertive behavior encompasses various aspects, indicators, and items. It involves expressing feelings clearly and explicitly while respecting others' rights . Assertiveness can be manifested through autonomy, confidence, compromise, and assistance in empathogenic situations . Indicators of assertive behavior include the ability to send clear messages, self-esteem, and the willingness to seek help when needed . Aspects of assertive behavior consist of honesty, openness, initiative-taking, conflict resolution skills, self-satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-confidence . Assertiveness is crucial for effective communication and positive social interactions, emphasizing the importance of developing assertive skills, especially during adolescence . Understanding and promoting assertive behavior can lead to constructive interpersonal relationships and better outcomes in various social interactions.

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Aspects of assertive behavior include defending rights confidently, respecting others, and avoiding harm. Indicators are direct, open behavior, contrasting manipulation and aggression, with values, attitudes, and behavior interconnected.
The aspects of assertive behavior include honesty, openness, initiative, seeking help, conflict resolution, and self-confidence. Indicators are direct communication, problem-solving, and self-assurance. Items involve expressing feelings and asking for assistance.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Asni, Nurul Fajri 
25 Mar 2020
1 Citations
The aspects of assertive behavior include explicit expression of feelings while respecting others' rights. Indicators are clarity and specificity. Items in the scale measure assertiveness.
Aspects of assertive behavior include self-esteem, clear message delivery, anxiety/depression, and male sex. These factors influence assertive behaviors among first-year Tunisian medical students.

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